Restaurant Pension Mlyn, Velke Bílovice

The restaurant is part of the pension. The kitchen is open daily from 11 to 21 °° hours. Breakfast is served from 8 °°am to 10 °°am hours (group stays at a buffet). It is possible to prepare a common menu. The rest of the day and the regular menu, which you can view here. In the summer the outdoor seating area.

Menu of the day

Every week we are preparing a new menu of meals at a discounted price.

Enjoy your meal

Seasonal events included among restaurants of various cuisines days, such as hunting feast, venison, goose St. Martin, etc.

If you eat at local restaurants the village of Great Bílovice, you may be interested in the possibility of having sent the menu for the upcoming week by email.

Simply fill in the email in the upper right corner or by clicking on the sign in the second column at the bottom of the site. You can book in advance and sirloin, stuffed with fruit dumplings, or other favorite foods.

Restaurants, stroll through the virtual tour on the right.